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Writing Emails: as followS

Dear Ms Funny The information you needed is as follows: —————————————————————— Do you add ‘s’ at the end of the ‘follow’? Or do not add ‘s’ at the end of the ‘follow’? Before you know which one is correct, there is a question for you.   What is it? What is ‘as’ in ‘as follows’? Or, […]

How to Agree

Do you know that ‘I am agree with you’ is wrong? By ‘wrong’ I mean it is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. If you speak or write this kind of English, you are going down. But how can you write and speak better English? —————————— First of all, you have to understand what’s wrong with ‘I am agree […]

Like (1)

Do you know that?  What?  Native speakers of English like using ‘LIKE’. And they, especially if your friends and coworkers are young, use ‘LIKE’ a lot.  For example, do you know what Janet means?  And in the ball a guy came to me and I’m like ‘Who are you?  Do we know each other?’ So […]