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Sentence & Verb (2)

Do you want to enhance your written English?  Do you want to speak better English?  If you do, you have to have a ‘feel of sentences‘.  How do you ‘feel’ it?   Look at the picture and you’ll get the answer: You have to visualize a sentence to locate the Big Verbs and Small Verbs.  (Want the grammar terms?   Well, Big Verbs are finite verbs and Small Verbs are non-finite.) […]

Sentence & Verb (1)

3 questions for you. Is English your mother tongue?  Do your parents talk to you in English all the time? Do you think English sentences are something easy to master? If your answers to the questions are negative, then this post is important to you.   How? It will probably change the ways you think about English sentences.   Yet, don’t just sit where you are.  This post asks […]

The Past (1)

Summary: This post is about how to talk about things in the past.  To your surprise, you will learn that there are (at least) two types of past in English.  Yes, you are right, two.  In a way, this post helps you understand the differences between the present perfect simple (PPS) and the simple past, but not in terms […]