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Five Tips to Better Business English

Tip 1: To give reasons, use TV (To + Verb) 

As a CEO(or a future one), you have to give reasons all the time, right?  But how are you going to do it in English?
Use To + Verb

e.g. Our department is going to New York to promote our company.

Tip 2: To give a viewuse ATV

Yet, when your clients ask your views on a project, using ‘TV’ is less than enough.  You have to add an Adjective.  And for easy memory, the whole thing becomes ATV (Asian Television). 

So when talking about a project, you may give your view as follows:
It is
to meet
you (on a regular basis).

Tip 3: To make an announcementuse ATV again

Actually ATV is more useful than you think.  When you make an announcement, use it again:

We are pleased to announce the appointment of a new CEO.

Our company is proud to present this (to all the people at this grand meeting). 

Tip 4: To make a contrast, use ‘It + is / was’

This one is important for you especially when you want to get promoted.

It was me who finished all the tasks (within three days).
(What does that mean? It was me, but not Mr. or Ms. Lazywho did it.)

Tip 5: To give new information, use ‘It + is’

At a presentation, you speak a lot.  Well, but how do you make sure your clients get the new information (or your point).  Use ‘It + is’.

It is a new market that we are looking for. 
So ‘It + is’ is like a glass wine, holding something that is new and important for your clients.