Mind Learning Association https://mindpowerasia.org Change your mind, Adopt open source thinking Mon, 26 Feb 2024 05:17:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://mindpowerasia.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cropped-logo-MLA-32x32.jpg Mind Learning Association https://mindpowerasia.org 32 32 Path to university https://mindpowerasia.org/path-to-university/ https://mindpowerasia.org/path-to-university/#respond Sat, 03 Feb 2024 03:37:00 +0000 http://monkeygrammar.org/index.php/2018/05/23/path-to-university-2018/ 大学之路: 由副学士開始

Why choose us (選我們的原因)

  • 唯一由 港漂 + 讲师 合营的机构
  • 港漂: 了解学生真正需要
  • 讲师: 提供真正专业意见

A. Features


  1. 提供专业升学咨询服务
  2. 评估各校录取率,选定学校及科目
  3. 翻译及准备申请入学所需文
  4. 联系学校及递交申请
  5. 提供全方位面试和笔试培训
    • 由大学讲师培训

B. Admission 


評估 -> 報名 -> 錄取

2024年2月 —  6月(評估報名)


高考 2024年6月  

副學士一年級 2024年9月開學    

副學士二年級 2025年

C. Successful Cases


刘中X持續教育學院 ( 香港浸會大學)
杨昕X香港城市大學專上學院 (香港伍倫貢學院)

https://mindpowerasia.org/path-to-university/feed/ 0
Sentence Structures (Task 2, IELTS Writing) https://mindpowerasia.org/sentence-structures-task-2-ielts-writing/ Wed, 15 Nov 2023 07:34:00 +0000 https://mindpowerasia.org/?p=1172 Which one gets you a higher level at IELTS writing?

Essay Question

Males and females are different in terms of their characteristics and abilities. To extend this line of reasoning, some jobs are better done by men and others by women.
Do you agree or disagree?

Sentence 1

There are many different views about whether or not males and females are equally good at all jobs.

Sentence 2

There are a variety of different perspectives on the question of whether or not males and females are equally good at all jobs

The Answer

  • The answer is obvious
  • but another question is how to write a sentence like sentence 2
2 Years plus (after associate degree) https://mindpowerasia.org/2-years-plus-after-associate-degree/ Mon, 09 Oct 2023 07:17:45 +0000 https://mindpowerasia.org/?p=1105


你的 CGPA 和大学选择

现在您是副学士或高级文凭的第二年, 毕业后想走得更远? 想在获得副学士后申请2年本科, 最重要的是CGPA:

香港八大院校 CGPA 3.5及以上
香港十二大院校 CGPA 3.0及以上
香港十五大院校 CGPA 2.8及以上


Point 1: 哪所大学更容易申请

  • 香港有很多大学可供申请,但有些大学或某些课程比较容易申请。
  • 我们会分析您的情况,找出最适合您的大学。

Point 2: 哪些课程比较容易申请

  • 香港的选择很多,但有一些课程比较容易申请。
  • 如果你申请了错误的课程,那就是浪费你的宝贵的机会。

Point 3: 选择第一年还是第三年入学(如果你的 CGPA 不够好)

  • 对于某些课程,第三年的入学比第一年更容易,你知道为什么吗?
  • 很多学生认为三年级入学比较困难,但事实可能并非如此。

Point 4: 申报时没有英文成绩(如雅思, IELTS)

  • 入学面试以及offer不会因为你还没考雅思就不给机会。
  • 但是offer发出之后,在時限內/或者开学前没有相应的成绩证明,将无法入学。

Point 5: 怎样有面试/有offer

  • 首先,CGPA是最重要的标准。
  • 副学士一年级的,将会按照第一年度上学期的CGPA。
  • 副学士是按照3个学期的CGPA,按成绩派发面试。





八大院校 香港大学、香港科技大学、香港中文大学、香港城市大学、香港理工大学(政资)、香港浸会大学(政资/自资)、香港教育大学(政资/自资)、岭南大学(政资/自资)

    Master Degree Programmes https://mindpowerasia.org/master-degree-programmes/ Sun, 20 Aug 2023 12:50:00 +0000 https://mindpowerasia.org/?p=1090 1. 創業管理理學碩士 (恒大)

    Master of Science (Entrepreneurial Management)

    a. 為學生提供創辦和管理新企業和創業組織的基本知識和技能

    b. 它旨在為那些希望創辦和管理自己的企業的人提供機會;為那些希望在大中小企業 (SME) 中發揮

    c. 為學生打下堅實基礎,給予學生一個深入在商業、管理和創業領域深入研究的平台。

    2. 行銷與消費者心理學(理學碩士) (樹仁大學)

    Master of Science (in Marketing and Consumer Psychology)


    a. 對行銷和消費者心理有全面的了解
    b. 能夠批判性地回顧行銷和消費者心理學的理論和技術,並評估它們在商業環境中的潛在用途
    c. 培養了一系列有效的分析和綜合技能,以及解決現實生活中的行銷問題所需的規劃技術
    d. 能夠設計行銷計劃並管理市場研究項目以及消費者主導的業務
    Fast-Track for Mainlanders https://mindpowerasia.org/fast-track-for-mainlanders/ Wed, 31 May 2023 12:19:00 +0000 https://mindpowerasia.org/?p=1018


    申请时间: 626日至28日

    第三轮入学面试 (A)︰2023年6月13日
    第三轮入学面试 (B)︰2023年6月26至28日

    联络: yurymla2 on WeChat (微信)

    Mind Learning Association (Hong Kong)

    Tips for group discussions (Business communication CRN: 5614, 5615) https://mindpowerasia.org/tips-for-group-discussions-business-communication-crn-5614-5615/ Sat, 10 Apr 2021 13:29:48 +0000 http://mindpowerasia.org/?p=911

    Useful tips for your group discussions:

    1. Choose a leader before the group discussions

    Useful expressions (for leaders)

    —1.  Opening a meeting —Okay, is everybody here? Let’s start our meeting then. —

    2.  Providing background information —Peter is going to fill us in on the background. —

    3.  Stating purposes —The purpose of the meeting is… —

    4.  Inviting opinions —Tanya, what’s your position on this? —

    5.  Stating opinions —In my opinion…

    ——6.  Interrupting —Sorry Peter, but we seem to be sidetracked here. —

    7.  Assigning follow-up tasks —Peter, can I leave that with you? —Tanya, can you get back to me on that? —

    8.  Closing the meeting —Thanks everybody. I’m afraid we’ll have to stop it there. —

    (For details refer to Powerpoint of lesson 11)

    2. Take up a role

    Take up a role before the group discussions.

    3. Take up a tone when making suggestions

    (For details refer to Powerpoint of lesson 9)

    4. Elaborate on your suggestions by:

    —(a)  providing additional information —

    e.g. Shall we provide reusable items? I mean, we can provide refillable items like whiteboard markers and ball pens.

    —(b)  stating possible benefits

    e.g. I’m wondering if we could provide refillable items such as whiteboard markers and ball pens.  This would also reduce our operating costs.

    (For details refer to Powerpoint of lesson 9)

    5. Respond to suggestions (1) (agreement)

    —Yes, sure. —I think so. —That’s what I was going to say. —You’re right. —I agree. —Absolutely. —That’s a good idea/point. —I can’t agree with you more.

    6. Respond to suggestions (2) (partial agreement)

    —That’s an option but … —It’s a possibility but … —Well, I see your point but …

    7. Respond to suggestions (3) (disagreement)

    —Yes, sure. —I think so. —That’s what I was going to say. —You’re right. —I agree. —Absolutely. —That’s a good idea/point. —I can’t agree with you more.

    (For details refer to Powerpoint of lesson 9)

    Stative Verbs for Business https://mindpowerasia.org/stative-verbs-for-business/ Mon, 10 Aug 2020 15:16:00 +0000 http://monkeygrammar.org/index.php/2014/09/10/stative-verbs-for-business/
    Do you know why it is wrong to say ‘I am agreeing with you’ in a meeting?  In (business) English, there are some verbs that usually do not come with ‘ing’ forms.  We called them stative verbs (or state verbs).

    surprise 2.jpgWhat are stative verbs?
    The name ‘stative’ tells you that they are verbs that do not move.  What does that mean?  It means when you use them you don’t use the ‘ing’ form:

    e.g. I agree with your Plan B.  
    (not: I am agreeing with Plan B.)

    Why do they not move?
    You may wonder why they do not move.  Or why is ‘ing’ form not used?  

    One simple reason.  They show a process that do not have a clear ending.  What does that mean?  It means when you ‘agree’ with your co-worker, you do not know when the process of agreeing ends, right?  

    But for non-stative (dynamic) verbs like ‘Are you kidding?’  The process of kidding your co-worker will end, sooner or later.  Moreover, dynamic verbs usually come with actions and so they are also called action verbs.  Common action verbs for business include:

    ‘He is running a superhero company with his friends.’
    ‘Mr Superhero is working on the project now.’

    Types of Stative Verbs (in business)
    As far as business is concerned, there are usually 4 types of stative verbs:

    1. Likes / dislikes
    Our boss approved her proposal.
    (Not: Our boss was approving her proposal.)
    2. Possession
    Our department has 5 photocopiers.
    (Not: Our department is having 5 photocopier.
    3. Thinking
    I think / believe / know / feel you are right.
    (Not: I am thinking / believing / knowing / feeling you are right.
    4. Talking about things
    The computer costs a lot.
    (Not: The computer is costing a lot.)

    IELTS Writing Level 7 https://mindpowerasia.org/ielts-writing-level-7/ Fri, 10 Jul 2020 10:52:56 +0000 http://mindpowerasia.org/?p=846 You want to get level 7 from level 6 or even 5 at IELTS writing? There is one thing you must use. What is it? Prepositions. That easy? Well, not really. I mean prepositions with more-than-one words.

    You will know what they are after reading a few examples:

    • two-word prepositions: as to, except for
    • three-word prepositions: in comparison with, in addition to
    • four-word prepositions: with a view to, for the benefit of

    Alright. But you may ask a question. How to use these prepositions to get higher scores at IELTS writing? Let’s check out a real example regarding task 1.

    Read the following sentences:

    Between 2010 and 2019, government’s spending on all four of the largest areas had dropped.
    However, spending on pensions was an exception.

    It looks good but you will most probably get level 5, not even 6, with sentences like this. So what are you going to do?

    A four-word preposition comes to your rescue.

    college student biting a pencil while writing
    Which four-word preposition is it?

    If you go back to the last two words of the last sentence, you will notice the words “an exception”, right? So, can you change it into a four-word preposition with the same meaning?

    Right. Just change “an exception” to ‘with the exception of” and the sentences become:

    Between 2010 and 2019, government’s spending on all four of the largest areas had dropped, with the exception of pensions.

    In a word, by using a more-than-one-word preposition, your level will be enhanced.

    How to Make Complex Sentences (1) https://mindpowerasia.org/how-to-make-complex-sentences-1/ Sat, 02 Mar 2019 14:08:00 +0000 http://monkeygrammar.org/index.php/2013/03/02/how-to-make-complex-sentences-1/ If you want to speak and write good English, there is one thing you must know how to make. What is it? How to make complex sentences.
    There are lots of ways to make complex sentences. One of them is to start with simple sentences. Yes, from SIMPLE  to COMPLEX. You don’t believe it. Read the following simple sentence.

    Situation At a presentation
    This will make money (for our company).

    The sentence is like a piece of cake, right?  Simple and easy. Yet, you can make it complex by changing the first word of the sentence, the word ‘this’. In other words, you can change it to, for example:

    What I have just said

    Yes, it is so easy that you just change ‘this’ into something like a sentence:

    What I have just said will make money (for our company).

    So it’s like magic, right? You think the magic was too fast.  Don’t worry.  Read the following table:

    Simple This will make money (for our company).
    Complex What I have just said will make money (for our company).
    So the Feel Good tip is: Starting a sentence with ‘Wh’ words.

    The tip applies to other ‘Wh’ words too, for example:

    When you say something is important.
    How you present your ideas is the key (to success).

    HKCC (PolyU) https://mindpowerasia.org/hkcc/ Wed, 27 Feb 2019 13:50:03 +0000 http://mindpowerasia.org/?p=17 HKCC offers Associate Degree (AD) and Higher Diploma (HD) programmes regarding the areas of arts, science, social sciences, business and the specialised areas of design and health studies for secondary school leavers.

    HKCC aspires to become a leading self-financed community college in Hong Kong. In pursuing this objective, HKCC’s mission is to offer quality sub-degree programmes that meet the changing needs of our community and prepare graduates for pursuing further studies or career development. HKCC also endeavours to provide all-round development opportunities for students to equip them with creativity, active learning, critical thinking, self-confidence, a positive attitude and a sense of responsibility.

    HKCC programmes are mainly conducted on the PolyU Hung Hom Bay and PolyU West Kowloon Campuses (a few classes are conducted on the PolyU Main Campus). With a floor area totalling over 57,000 square metres, the two campuses offer students an ideal environment equipped with state-of-the-art facilities.
