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How to emphasize

When was the last time you present your proposal, chaired a meeting, or chatted with your teammates?  How good was it?  Did your coworkers get what your main points were?

You may wonder: Are there any better ways of emphasizing your ideas?


Yes, there are four ways.    

Way 1: Use 2S (So & Such)

It is so easy for our enterprise to enter the China market.

Our boss is such a wonderful person.      

Yet, when chatting with your coworkers or friends, ‘just’ is another choice. 

To your coworkers
I just love your dress / shirt.
To your friends
You’re just wonderful.

Way 2: Use ‘Ultimate’ Adjectives

Before you get way 2, there are two questions for you:

How many meetings do you have every day?  
Do you think some meetings are a waste of your time?

If you have a strong feeling about having too many nonsense meetings, how do you put it into words, and how do you make your coworkers feel your feeling that is really really strong?

Well, when it comes to stressing your feelings, ‘ultimate’ adjectives come to the foreground.  What are they?  They are ultimate cos they push things to the limit.  The word ‘utter’ is a member of this team of ultimate adjectives:

The meeting with the CEO is an utter waste of time.
The CEO spent a few hours talking utter nonsense.   

Other members include:

Absolute, complete, and total

You may use them in the following two situations:

Recommending a person to your boss: 

I have absolute confidence in him.

Expressing your dissatisfaction with someone’s project:

It is a complete failure.  
It is a total disaster.

Well, find it hard to remember the three ultimate words (adjectives)?  Think OL.  What does that mean?  Take a look at the three words again and you see what I mean:

Absolute, complete, total

Well, enough about OL and others.  What about if you want to praise yourself with an ultimate word?    

(I think) our project is an outright victory.  

Way 3: Use ‘Ultimate’ Adverbs

Of course, you can ‘transform’ the team of ‘ultimate’ adjectives into a team of ‘ultimate adverbs’. How?  You can do it by simply adding ‘ly’:

Utterly, Absolutely, Completely, & Totally

(However, I’m afraid you have to say goodbye to ‘outright’ as ‘outrightly’ is not a word in English.)   

So upon agreeing with your coworkers, you may say:

I am absolutely with you.  
I agree with you completely / totally.

Well, by now you may have a question.  So far you have learnt how to emphasize words, but what about a whole sentence?  What about every word you say being so true, and so serious?  

Way 4: How to emphasize a sentence

When you think what you are going to say is so true and serious, you can use the following two in your conversations:

Believe me & To say the least

So, how to use them?  You may use ‘Believe me’ in your gossips. Well, gossiping is part of your office life, right?  And when you gossip, you want people to think that you are telling the truth, don’t you?   

Believe me.  I saw the CEO going out with the secretary.

With ‘to say the least’, it is a different story.  You don’t usually it at gossiping.  You use it when commenting on others.   

We are not pleased with his performance, to say the least.
It was a less than effective method, to say the least.  


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